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Business Research Methods & IT Service Management Principle
The current scenario there is a necessary to employ various business methods for the successful development of the organization. Most of the organisations depend on several business strategies for implementing various methodologies and techniques. The present paper support the IT service Management for promoting their services by applying various methodology and framework. For instance, Six sigma program, lean principle, lean six sigma, Critical Success Factor(CSFs) involved in IT services and discuss about the IT capability in e-businesses services and also discuss about the IT operations outcome which are useful for the economic development. Furthermore discuss about the advantages of applying various models in IT services sector. Earlier studies recommends that IT sector is generally challenging and highly variable so there is a necessary to adopt service models like lean six sigma or other factors for their successful development.
Annotated Bibliography
Carvalho,M. M. D., Ho, L. L. and Pinto, S.H.B (2014) ‘The Six Sigma program: an empirical study of Brazilian companies’, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(5), pp.602 – 630. Available at: 10.1108/JMTM-04-2012-0045
The main objective of the study is to evaluate the Six Sigma's status in Brazilian companies and understand the program integration with other quality management approaches. In addition to this critical success factors (CSFs) involved in the implementation of Six Sigma and the primary Six Sigma program characteristics were identified. Literature review of the study represents the primary Six Sigma characteristics and its relationship with other quality approaches. 198 firms are selected but 46 firms are adopted the Six Sigma program are participated in the present study. The study findings recommend an incremental and synergic pattern of quality model implementation. The findings of the study disclose that firms adopted the Six Sigma in long-term quality programs and finally they attain a specific level of status in quality management. The participated companies using Six Sigma have attained the incremental evolution and gives strong synergy with ISO 9000. Therefore, the key findings conclude that the three possible configurations of the role structure were found which vary with respect to training and the dedication of human resources involved in the Six Sigma program. There are three CSFs factors were identified such as human resources, organisation and infrastructure. The major limitation of this study uses a non-probabilistic sample and a reliance on self-reported perceptions. The Six Sigma diffusion in Brazilian companies is less widespread than in other countries
Pillai, A., Pundir, A. and Ganapathy, L. (2014) ‘Improving Information Technology Infrastructure Library Service Delivery Using an Integrated Lean Six Sigma Framework: A Case Study in a Software Application Support Scenario’, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7, pp. 483-497. Available at: 10.4236/jsea.2014.76045 [Accessed May, 2014]. The present study revealed that to implement the Integrated Lean Six Sigma for Software application support services and evaluate the potential benefits of continual service improvement over Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Due to the development of competitiveness in businesses (eg: Information Technology, Hospitality Financial, Education, Healthcare, Logistics, Distribution and other services) especially IT sector area, there is a necessary to adopt the business development philosophies and methodologies for satisfying the consumer needs by providing the better quality service and meet the organizational demands for increasing the profit margin through reduction of cost. More firms in all over the world have already implemented the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) as a way to manage and control their Information Technology (IT) Departments in more efficient manner. In order to increase the efficiency of the business, the firms are willing to increase their ITIL processes. The key findings of the study recommend that the application of Lean Six Sigma methodology is to resolve the problems like cost reduction and quality improvement. A Lean Six Sigma application in IT sector is popular and researchers used this application in the development of IT sector. Despite various approaches involved in lean six sigma applications in service sector but the application in service delivery particular to ITSM is limited. The findings of the study suggested that the implementation of lean six sigma in software applications support service sector that increase the business efficiency and also evaluate the potential benefits of the ITIL processes in firms.
Haley, M (2014) ‘Information technology and the quality improvement in defense industries’, The TQM Journal, 26(4), pp.348 – 359. Available at: In the competitive world there is a necessary to implement the manipulation in the process for the successful development of the firm. The current study reported that whether the implementation of lean principle is useful or not and further reported that what critical success factors (CSFs) is necessary for the development of Information Technology (IT) sector. This study used the model case study of defense industry organization implementing their tools and techniques for fielding, development and testing. Secondary data is collected and non-experimental quantitative data’s are used for analyzing whether the lean is applicable or not. The findings of the study determined the research results based on the statistical tests of difference between the existed PostLean schedule and PreLean schedule. Furthermore, the research also examined the nine CSFs to the successful execution of lean philosophies. Using these nine CSFs, seven plyometric CSFs are obtained as an implementation model. Transformational leadership, customer-centric culture, heuristic communication, integrated synergy, recursive improvement, team trust and enterprise incorporation is the seven critical successful factors models are examined in this study. Further, results of this study model in the application of the lean principle which supports the development of both IT and Non-IT sector, commercial as well as industrial sector. The findings recommends that IT sector is generally challenging and highly variable, there is a necessary to adopting lean principle for their successful achievement.

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Our servicesChi-Hung Yeh,Gwo-Guang Lee,Jung-Chi Pai, ‘Using a technology-organization-environment framework to investigate the factors influencing e-business information technology capabilities’, Information Development: Sage Journals, Available at:
The current scenario focused on how to develop the business processes in this competitive world, the development of business methods is the most important process for the success of the firm. The present study statement focused on how to combine the capability of Information technology (IT) sector with business strategies. Although more number of studies are researched the e-businesses performance in technological viewpoint or based on the conceptual framework. This study used 1000 large IT companies in Taiwan are selected for identification process. The validity of the research hypothesis is analysed by using the Structural equation modelling. The key findings of the study could involve the identification of IT capability in e-business field by using a technology-organization-environment framework. Furthermore, the study estimates some factors which are involved in the influence of IT capability in e-business field such as competitive pressure, IT human resources, IT infrastructure, partnership quality, top management support and IT maturity. The implementation of strategies in IT sector which is affected by IT capability. The present study recommends that provide some reference data for firms try to increase the IT capability in the e-business expansion. By using these reference data for improving the capability of IT in e-business section and finally elaborate the e-business process. Chou, Y.C. & Shao, B. B. M (2014) ‘Total factor productivity growth in information technology services industries: A multi-theoretical perspective’, Decision Support Systems, 62, pg. 106-118. Available at: (Accessed at: June 2014) The present competitive world, Information Technology (IT) sector play an important role for the development of economy. The current study revealed that the services of IT in terms of support and delivery of IT operations and activities for satisfying the requirements of business and also manage the organisation’s IT infrastructure. IT services give an output for the development of the organisation, such output are utilised by other sectors for their development and also act a significant role in services-based economy. In this present study analysed the IT service industries growth on the basis of various theories of competition, innovation and production. Further in this study, 25 organisations are used to analysed the total factor productivity growth in IT services industries of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries from the period between 1995 to 2007 and the performance metric is calculated by using Malmquist productivity index (MPI) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) is measured by using measurement methodology. The complete analysis is carried out by using MPI into three components such as scale change (for demand fluctuation), efficiency change (for catch-up) and technical change (for innovation).When compared to other industries, IT service industries are attained the long-term stability and growth in whole service area and also in the IT economy is determined. The perspective obtained from multiple analysis indicated that IT service industries is known to be an innovator which can make the technological progress. These progresses are known as key attribute which result in improvement in productivity. Even though these changes have a negative influence over the efficiency and these changes are depends on client decision. The present study findings concluded the implications of IT service industries in both industry and country levels are taken and gives recommendations for formulate the strategy and policy making for organisation’s development.
Carvalho,M. M. D., Ho, L. L. and Pinto, S.H.B (2014) ‘The Six Sigma program: an empirical study of Brazilian companies’, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(5), pp.602 – 630. Available at: 10.1108/JMTM-04-2012-0045 Chou, Y.C. & Shao, B. B. M (2014) ‘Total factor productivity growth in information technology services industries: A multi-theoretical perspective’, Decision Support Systems, 62, pg. 106-118. Available at: (Accessed at: June 2014) Chi-Hung Yeh,Gwo-Guang Lee,Jung-Chi Pai, ‘Using a technology-organization-environment framework to investigate the factors influencing e-business information technology capabilities’, Information Development: Sage Journals, Available at: Haley, M (2014) ‘Information technology and the quality improvement in defense industries’, The TQM Journal, 26(4), pp.348 – 359. Available at: Pillai, A., Pundir, A. and Ganapathy, L. (2014) ‘Improving Information Technology Infrastructure Library Service Delivery Using an Integrated Lean Six Sigma Framework: A Case Study in a Software Application Support Scenario’, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7, pp. 483-497. Available at: 10.4236/jsea.2014.76045 [Accessed May, 2014].

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