Advanced Analytics Coursework

Guidance – Assignment
February 20, 2021
R and D
January 22, 2024

Advanced Analytics Coursework

1. Description:

The coursework consists of two main components:

  1. A critical survey (report with a presentation), and
  2. A research project (report with demo/presentation).

2. Milestones:

  1. Critical Survey (report) [weight: 40%]
  2. Critical Survey (presentation) [weight: 10%]
  3. Research project (report and demo/presentation) [weight: 50%]
  4. Due time is 11:59 pm.
  5. The following is a summary of coursework steps and milestones.

3. Critical Survey (Report)

You should choose an available & real world dataset and survey papers that studied that

data set

  • Dubai Pulse (
    • US Government Data
    • Word net
    • Google N-gram
    • Flow Cytometry

An individual needs to survey at least 16 papers. Use google scholar and other online.

resources in order to obtain high-quality papers. It is recommended to use the CORE.

ranking for journals and conferences (A or B only), or impact factor (1 and above) or number of citations (5 and above).


A survey, no more than 5000 words, single column, describing briefly and precisely and

Data set:

  • Title of the topic (to be surveyed).
  • Brief introduction (Data set, why is it important)
  • Meta analysis: summarizing the different papers, grouping them into themes,highlighting the interesting findings of the paper
  • the more integrated the survey is, the better (i.e., not simple collection of paper summaries.)
  • Proposal: From what you read, what ideas you think are worth pursuing?

4. Critical Survey (Presentation)

60 minutes presentation about the critical survey. The presentation should be more like a

lecture, where you introduce the topic and summarize the main research


5. Research Project (report with demo/presentation)

Choose an idea from the previous report to pursue in further detail. It is important to

make sure the data you need is available. Analyze your data set and report the results.


1. a report, no more than 7000 words, single column, describing briefly:

• Title of the topic.

• Methods

  • What tools did you use?
  • Any preprocessing of the data?
  • What measurements/algorithms did you use?

• Results:

  • What have you discovered? Be creative in visualizing and try to find interesting patterns.

• Discussion:

  • Comments on the results and the whole experience (be scientific

and precise, e.g. you may mention some ideas that you investigated

but did not turn out to be interesting, etc.).

2. A video, uploaded to the blackboard along with the report, summarizing the

findings and/or providing a demo.

7. Important Notes

  1. All deliverables to be submitted through the blackboard.
  2. Acknowledge all assistance on assignments and all references.
  3. Use blackboard for questions