Frequently Asked Questions
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General Queries
Placing Your Order
How can I trust you and what is the assurance for the quality of your work?
Delivering highest quality work and 100% client satisfaction is our primary objective, and we brag for consistently achieving our objective since our inception. Our clients' testimonials speak it even louder. We achieve it by doing multiple peer reviews; the final file you receive must have been reviewed by five different people before dispatched to you. Rest assured; your work is taken care by top experts at Tutors India. We have registered our company under The Companies Act 1956, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India and the US & UK, Sheffield. We do have a registered office for our operation. Visit contact us page for details of our location. We encourage all our clients or their contacts to visit us in person during business hours. We will be happy to help, and it will help clarify all your doubts in one go.
How are you unique from others?
We give unlimited revision support and on-call expert's support without any extra charge. Most of our writers are doctorates with 5 plus years of experience. Also, we prefer to engage Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to write and review your work to provide high-quality output. We do provide tutoring support for your better understanding.
How soon can I expect response from you after I submit an enquiry on contact us page or send a direct email?
We give utmost priority to respond to our clients at the earliest. We respond to all enquiries that are received during business hours (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM IST) within 1 hour of receipt of the email, while out of business hours, respond immediately over the phone. For urgent requirement, you are welcome to call our hotline phone numbers (India No: +91-8754446690, UK No: +44-1223926607) to reach out to our admin team.
How do I place/make an order?
Whether you are a researcher, scholar, undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. pursuing students, and publishing or any institutions, there are reliable and easy ways to order your dissertation, thesis, assignment, publication, development and editing services at Tutors India. Follow the instructions and complete an online order form. Further, fill up the required details and place an order. Once you place an order, our team will get in touch with pricing details, based on specific requirement. We will get back to you with the payment link and where you can pay for your order via credit card or debit card, PayPal or directly into one of our bank accounts. Once the whole payment process is completed successfully, our expertise will start the work, and you will be delivered on-time through email by the deadline. If you have any queries regarding the prices, you will get help from our customer support.
I want to avail your services. Briefly, explain the process.
The details of the process involved availing our services are mentioned below. Let us know your requirement: Please submit your requirements using the contact us a form of our website. You can also send an email to giving a brief introduction to your research work, topic, expected the length of your dissertation in words or pages (1 page = 250 words), timeline, University guidelines, and any specific requirement for your dissertation. Share your initial work: After submitting your query on the contact us form or emailing details of your query, we will acknowledge your email and expect you to share your initial work, base paper with us so that we get clarity on your research work. Payment method: After we get the clarity on deliverables from our side, we will intimate you the price quote for the service and details of payment methods. Please pay using any method convenient to you. After we receive the payment, we will confirm you and start working. Accept agreement form: You will receive agreement form from us on deliverables. Please review and accept is. Once we get confirmation from you, we will start working on the project. Timely updates and delivery: Time to time you will receive updates from us and whenever you need you can reach out to us for updates. We will revise the work as per your requirements. We deliver work in accordance with the payment we receive.
What If my service is not in the lists?
You can contact us through email and get back to you immediately after checking with our experts.
Our Services
Payment Related Queries
What kind of services do you offer?
We offer a wide variety of the following outstanding supports including - For Masters and Ph.D.: Abstract, Topic selection, research proposal, research methodology, literature review writing, statistical analysis, textual/data analysis, findings, results, and conclusion, referencing, etc. In addition, tailor-made assignment, essay and manuscript support, conference paper and textbook writing, coding and algorithm, programming, software and tool development, illustration, manuscript statistics and PhD research plan as well as editing services. We deliver a professional academic assistance to complete any research work and writing you may require.
On which areas do you provide dissertation writing services?
A wide range of subjects which includes Accounting, advertising / public relations, alternative dispute resolution, animal management, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, biochemistry, bio-informatics, biology, biomedical sciences, business, chemical engineering, chemistry, children & young people, classic English literature, commercial law, commercial property law, communications, company law / business law, comparative law, computer engineering, computer forensics, computing, constitutions / administrative law, consumer law, criminal law, crisis management, culture, data mining, drama, ecology, e-commerce, econometrics, education, employment law, engineering, engineering business management, English, environmental science, environmental engineering, epidemiology, estate management, European law, European studies, family and consumer science, family law, film studies, finance, geography, geology, health and safety management, HRM, human rights, immigration law, information systems, international development, investment, journalism, law, leisure management, literature, manufacturing, maritime law, marketing, material sciences, mathematics, mechanical engineering, mechanics, media, media and information technology law, medical law, medicine, mental health law, midwifery, military, multimedia, music, nursing, nutrition, operation management, pharmacology, philosophy, physics, planning / environmental law, poetry, political studies, project management, psychology, quantitative methods, religious studies, research methods, risk management, security and risk management, Shakespeare studies, social policy, social work, social work law, sociology, sports law, sports psychology, sports science, SPSS, statistics, strategic management, supply chain management, tax law, teacher training, technology, telecommunication engineering, TESOL, theatre studies, Theology & Religion, Tort Law, Tourism, Town and country planning, women and gender studies, world affairs, world literature, and world literature. If your topic or field of interest is not listed above, kindly contact us to know more about the dissertation writing services and dissertation writing tips. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are subject to availability. Kindly write to us to check the availability of experts in your research area. If you need any other research writing support, please select “other” on our pricing order form and clearly outline what is required. We will call back you immediately, or you can contact UK toll-free 08081891062. Visit our contact page to see other countries contact information, so we will do our best to help you.
How much you charge for work?
To understand the price structure, simply fill the requirement and send us through email.
How can I pay?
We have a range of payment mode which is more convenient one. Further, use this order form for tailored-made academic support from writing to editing services. We accept the following payment modes, I.e. you can pay via Credit Card/Debit card/Wire Transfer/Bank Transfer/Western Union If you are paying through the card, we may check your identity due to the recent increases of credit card fraud. Please use verification, whether if you are registered with any cardholder authentication scheme, e.g., Verified by the Visa or MasterCard Secure card. We may ask you to show the copy of the proof of your address (bank statement, residential address proof) and the proof of id (national id, driving license or password) scanned copy through the email. We are a guarantee that this information is confidential, only be used for verification purpose and will be deleted afterward. If you are unable to produce the above documentation, we can verify your identity through your university email or business address by sending a message and asking you to reply to it. Once we receive your reply, we will start working on your order. This verification process is only applied to PayPal payments. You can deposit and transfer the cash via the bank or cash on delivery. You can also see the “What are the payment methods” available to check your availability of payment mode elaborately in this section.
Is there any periodic payment option available?
Yes. We accept partial payment for dissertations and high volume work. We divide the complete work into smaller tasks, and your payment is also divided accordingly. However, shorter deadline projects like research proposal, manuscript development, statistical work, etc. require 100% advance payment to proceed.
Why is your price quote so high?
We are the average player in the industry, and our price falls in the middle of the range if compared to the price of competitors. Our price quote purely depends on the quality of man hour involved in your project.
What are the payment methods available?
We offer all modes of payment for your convenience as described below. Pay by cash: You can visit our office during business hours and make cash payment. If you would like to, you can deposit in bank account. The bank account details will be shared via email. Cheque / DD: You can pay by sending a cheque or a Demand Draft (DD). Organization details which you need to fill in the cheque or DD will be shared via email. Online transfer: You can pay us online through a payment gateway. We will provide you a web link to proceed for a secure online payment using a credit card or debit card or net banking. NEFT: You can pay us through NEFT. Account details will be shared via email. SWIFT: International customers can deposit cash through wire transfer or SWIFT. SWIFT code and account details will be shared via email. Western Union / MoneyGram / Xpress money: International customers can transfer money through the Western Union, MoneyGram or Xpress money. Account details with money transfer instructions will be shared via email. Please note that service charges if any for transferring money need to be borne by you
Can I pay by cash?
Yes, we accept cash payment. Please check the FAQ, 'What are the payment methods available?' for details on payment methods.
Our Process & Support
Subject Matter Expertise
How quickly can complete my order?
It purely depends on the client’s work and their requirements so you will get an accurate time by completing our order form. For, e.g., our expertise writer can complete the assignment in 2 or 3 days, and dissertations can be completed in one week to years based on the project. And also our writers can complete some assignments in one to two days and dissertations can be completed within less than a week (an urgent delivery). Additionally, urgent orders at Tutors India has been taken and completed successfully without degrading the content quality and also ensure 100% plagiarism free. Therefore, when placing your order, please try to give us as much time as possible to ensure that you get the lowest price, and also we can assign the best writer to complete your work.
I need a revision of my work time to time. Do you support for revisions?
Yes. Definitely! We give an unlimited revision support. However, we need sufficient time to execute the same and deliver a quality output.
What is the suitable time to call you?
We work Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM IST. We are closed on Sundays, Second Saturdays and National Holidays. For urgent requirement, you are welcome to call our hotline phone numbers (India No: +91-8754446690, UK No: +44-1223926607) to reach out to our admin team.
What the channels of communication of Tutors India?
You can visit us in person or contact over the phone or email us or connect over Skype. However, we encourage you to communicate us through email as we always have a record of our communication for future reference. Here is how you can reach out to Tutors India. You can contact us by submitting a contact us form. Our team will get back in 30 minutes. You can email us at Our team will get back in 30 minutes. You can connect over Skype too. Our Skype id is Tutors India. Existing clients should call us at +91-8754446691. For urgent requirement, you are welcome to call our hotline phone numbers (India No: +91-8754446690, UK No: +44-1223926607) to reach out to our admin team.
Why do you contract excellent graduates from the best UK universities?
We proud to be one-off from other academic support companies to contract the experts exclusively recruiting from the most popular UK universities to meet the quality standard and also guarantee that your work will be completed on-time as per your requirement. 85% of the writers are at Tutors India from the Top UK universities
Why do they for Tutors India?
There are the numerous valuable reasons available, but mainly, Tutors India is an incredible platform for those top graduates to shape their career and also provide the opportunities to maximize their quality and quantity of their writing skills.
Can i contact my writer?
Yes, once the project is confirmed, you can contact our professional writers on the priority schedule. If you would like to contact your writer, please send us a message through email or call our customer support team and we will forward the message to the clients and immediately schedule your appointment. If you have any questions or doubts from your writer regarding the project will be forward as soon as possible. Please check your emails regularly and ensure that we have your valid email id and phone number so that your writers will use in case of emergency purpose.
Can I choose my writer?
If you would like to choose the writers who completed a previous order or you simply like the style of the writing after reviewing our entire available writer’s work based on your price plan have chosen. Yes, you can choose your writers for research work based on their availability of the task.
What kind of information should I provide to the writer?
You should provide full project requirements along with any additional sources like learning outcomes, notes, and sample works (if any), etc. Further, you can add the instruction/guidelines that you are looking to modify in your project.
Quality & Guarantees
Discount & Referrals
What quality assurance and guarantee do you give?
We are providing the guarantee all of our writing, editing and proofreading and other services will meet the quality standard. This guarantee applies to every document which done by Tutors India. We give the guarantee that gets the unlimited revisions until you are 100% satisfied and also provide on-time delivery and confidentiality guarantees. We maintained the quality team who give an immediate response and support.
Can I get a discount for a referral?
We follow some standard discount proposals including 1. If you are confirmed for 3 or more assignments with us, we can offer up to 15% discount. 2. If you are paid for the more than four assignments from us in the past, we can offer up to 15% discount on your next order. 3. Once you have confirmed or referred nine assignments from us, we will give the 10th assignment totally free (up to 2,000 words, 2:1 standard). If you have a discount code order form and submit your promo code on the payment page. If you would like to get a discount, simply touch with us.
Topic Selection
On which areas you provide dissertation topics and outline?
At Tutors India, we provide dissertation topics in broad areas of research such as employee engagement dissertations, customer buying behavior dissertation, project management dissertation, knowledge management dissertation, International marketing, performance management, strategic management and business policy, management of technology, international business, total quality management, public relation theories dissertation and many more. We also offer topics for various subjects such as MBA in HR, HRM, Finance, Economics, Operations, Nursing, medical, geographic, accounting, history, sociology, English, Music, advertising, fashion, tourism, architecture, computer science, politics, art, statistics.
To provide topic and match exactly with your requirement, provide critical research interested areas within your scope, target country, industry experience and feasibility of data collection if any. And any other information that our writer should know also can be provided from your end.
The topics we provide would provide you a clear and precise understanding of the proposed research area and ensure that you move in the right direction. A dissertation topic can be used You can get familiarize with the proposed research areaThis topic would provide right direction and enable you to speak confidently with your tutor. You can discuss with your mentor/tutor and finalize the topics Outline proposal can be formulated Initial research on the topic can be initiated Time plan to complete your dissertation Based on the discussion with your tutor and independent you can develop further ideas
Research Proposal Writing Service
On which areas you provide dissertation proposal writing services?
At Tutors India, we provide Master’s dissertation proposal in broad areas of research. Namely, employee engagement dissertations, customer buying behavior dissertation, project management dissertation, knowledge management dissertation, International marketing, performance management, strategic management and business policy, management of technology, international business, total quality management, public relation theories dissertation and much more. We also offer topics for various subjects such as MBA in HR, HRM, Finance, Economics, Operations, Nursing, medical, geographic, accounting, history, sociology, English, Music, advertising, fashion, tourism, architecture, computer science, politics, art, statistics.
To match exactly with your requirement, we required a title that you had already selected, scope, target country, industry experience and feasibility of data collection, if any. Moreover, any other information that our writer should know also can be provided from your end.