Formatting & Typesetting Service for Journal, Dissertation & Grant Proposals
Let our formatter & typesetter work on your dissertation, assignment, manuscript for ready submission. We offer academic Formatting Service to the researchers allowing them to be free from the hectic tension of changing layout of manuscripts or dissertation, spacing or matching it with the journals or university style sheet. You don't have to worry as we well take care of all these.

Then You’ve Certainly Reached the Right place
Place an Order BrochureDissertation & manuscript Citation Compliance Service are carried out by qualified and experienced researchers from the US & UK
Our dissertation formatters ensure to fix title page, frontispiece, copyright page, dedication, acknowledgments, preface, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list of appendices, lists of abbreviations, list of acronyms, list of symbols, and abstract
Our ProcessManuscript & Dissertation Formatting Service
Our Journal & dissertation formatting support team keeps an eye on the necessary elements that you require in your paper which meets your journal's requirement. So, in case our experts from journal formatting support team find some missing elements in your work, they would send you the summary of missing elements along with the procedure to add them in your paper. Whether you choose our document editing, translation, or content review service, you can easily add formatting to your order. Need to check if you need help and would like to avail our Journal formatting service for your paper, make sure you send us a copy of your journal author guidelines when you submit your document to Tutors India. If you have questions about our journal formatting and journal editing service, please contact us and we will assist you.
Team of formatters & Typesetters at Tutors India
Tutors India provides the formatting team with translators, experienced editors and quality managers with extensive years of experience. Our translation experts also have the expertise, in subject specific translation proficiency. We also offer faster turn-around period and perfect delivery with complete assistance to scholars around the world. Tutors India provides citation compliance team with researchers, formatters, typesetters, experienced editors and quality managers with extensive years of experience.
Dissertation & Manuscript formatting Service at Tutors India
Authenticate, Genuine, Prompt and Reliable. We follow the choice of a style manual, including American Psychological Association (APA), MLA, Turabian, The University of Chicago Press (The Chicago manual of style) and others. We guarantee for the structure of the manuscript, dissertation & grant proposals
Academic & Research Translation Services at Tutors India is authentic, genuine, prompt and reliable.
Dissertation & Manuscript formatting Service at Tutors India from Tutors India research writing services is simply easy and straightforward.
You will get the reply within 30 minutes which would enable to place your order quickly without any delay in submissions.
What Services do we offer under dissertation & manuscript formatting service?
We work according to your instruction with specific reference to the styles that adhere to your individual institution's guidelines and return the document to high-quality MS Word or PDF document.
Basic | Developed based on the relevant sources, a reasonable attempt at finding an area that warrant research & evidence of an attempt to provide critical evaluation but mainly descriptive. |
Advanced | Wide range of sources, a clear identification of research gap in the literature along with aim and research questions |
Premium | Refers to a wide range of seminal research with throughout engagement using latest resources. A solid gap would be identified based on the current literature & justified thoroughly & Excellent critical analysis would be shown (upgradable) |
Basic | Advanced | Extended | |
Number of Topics ??(Topic Selection based on area of interest) | 3 Topics | 1 topic | 1 topic |
Word Count | 1000 words | 1000 words | |
Objectives | |||
Literature Review | |||
Research Gap | |||
Expected Contribution | |||
Research Methodology | |||
Data Analysis Guidelines | |||
References Lists | |||
Bibiliography ?? (Additional reading) |
Specialized Subject Matter Expertise across the globe
We offer complete specific master’s dissertation writing service for Management, Finance & Economics, Social Science, Engineering, Technology, Life Science, Medicine, Arts & Literature / Linguistics, and more
Our WritersOur deliverables while you order custom written master’s dissertation writing service
Full Dissertation writing services from Tutors India research writing services is simply easy and straightforward. You will get the reply within 30 minutes which would enable to place your order quickly without any delay in submissions. We would provide executive summary /abstract, free articles used for writing the full dissertation, SPSS data sheet and output, questionnaire or semi-structured interview questions and any other information that we have used to write the dissertation such as reflective log or diary.
Our WritersHow Does it work?
After the order is confirmed, we allocate the special team to scrutinize the work regarding necessary availability requirements that would be essential to complete the work. Once the process is done, in case there are any queries, we ensure to ask during the initial stage of your work and send you the outline proposed for writing secondary data collection based dissertation. Once the outline along with the chapterization plan is approved, we will dispatch the work in chapters, and update you on the progress of your work. Our exclusive coordinators would get in touch with you to clarify any queries. You can also pay in installments and work will be started as soon as receive the payments. We deliver your work as per the schedule fixed and agreed or even before the schedule.
Our WritersDissertation & manuscript formatting & typesetting service features
Examples of different Formats
APA Style Asha, M. H., Dravidan, D. P., & Harlow, T. (1993). Actions need to be completed. Journal of Social Psychology, 65, 1195-1207.
BMJ style of format Nantulya V, Reich M. The neglected epidemic: road traffic injuries in developing countries. BMJ 2002;324: 1139.
Vancouver style of format Vickers A. Guidelines for authors of books and papers on complementary medicine. Complement Ther Med 1999;7:245-9.
Typefaces, Margins, White Space, Pagination, Line spacing
We ensure typefaces and generally follow university guidelines if not, we use typefaces between 10 and 12 points. Further we ensure margins including left margin, right margin, top margin, bottom margin, page numbers for all pages preceding page of chapter I. Line spacing is ensured for chapter titles, appendix titles, headings, subheadings, block quotations, column headings, footnotes, figure captions, explanatory materials for tables, illustrations and figures, appendices
Order of sections
We ensure to align the material in the following order 1. Title page 2. Copyright page 3. Acknowledgment, 4. Table of contents 5. List(s) of tables, figures, charts, graphs, musical examples, illustration 6. Preface or forward, if used, 7. The text, 8. Bibliography 9. And appendices (if any). Page numbering would be ensured in terms of placement of page numbers, pagination for preliminary sections, pagination for body of text, headings, titles & subtitles, quotation, & references, footnote & endnotes, parenthetical references, numerical references, etc
References from our database
Most of the student / research scholar suffer to get appropriate references from websites and moreover some student even difficult to identify appropriate / authenticated references. The sites like blogs, wikis are not usually recommended as an authenticated source for referencing. At Tutors India, in addition to referencing format, we also help you to get appropriate articles from our database.
We have Chapter by Chapter Delivery Process and Deadline
This is to ensure that clients have full control over the delivery and can look at the drafts of different sections. Unlike other companies, we do not charge any costs for such structure as we ensure client satisfaction at every stage of the work.
Free Offers along with your Master’s part or chapter-wise Dissertation Writing Services
We deliver more than your expectation –Abstract or Executive Summary, Graphs & Tables (redrawn), statistical analysis or textual analysis of data, SPSS / other software screen shots to ensure the process that we had carried out for doing the analyses Free Tutoring for the work being carried out – to speak confidently with your program supervisors & SPSS output in Appendix.
Our Dissertation & manuscript formatting Service are exclusive
as we do not just provide dissertation, but the rather clear explanation and justification for the content written
Customer Interaction
We interact with the customer at every stage in terms of amendments, query and delivery.
Contact UsWhy Choose Tutors India: Dissertation & manuscript Citation Compliance Service features
Qualified researchers, unlimited revision, only peer-reviewed articles, plagiarism report, 24/7 support, 100% match with the requirement and on time delivery
Our GuaranteesA complete secure & Confidential Service
We offer 100% confidentiality of client’s personal details, payment details, project works, and copyrights of research works. We ensure following for the conditionality, security & privacy: 1) All your projects are given unique reference codes 2) Documents are accessed only writers who signed NDA with Tutors India 3) Your financial information is protected b 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) encryption.
Fully Referenced
Our dissertation work is fully referenced with latest articles and textbooks. We refer only peer-reviewed sources such as scholarly articles and textbook to select the topic. We refer database including Web of Science, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Business Source Complete, and latest newspapers articles such as Economic Times, Forbes, The Wall Street, The Economics to identify the industrial problem.
Our Guarantees
(1) Unlimited Revision for the work being committed. (2) We ensure on-time delivery (3) We support 24/7. (4) Our word count committed does not include references and bibliography & help you to locate the sources cited (5) Ensure three-level quality check including Technical QC, Editor QC and final check against the requirement (6) Confidentiality of the information (7) Plagiarism free work – less than 5% percent. (8) Only experienced and subject specific writers will be allotted.
Plagiarism Free Work
We are aware of the consequences of plagiarism. Hence, topic selection is completely plagiarism Free. Our work is scanned against online sources in a similar way like WriteCheck or Turnitin. We wanted to ensure that our clients i.e., researchers and students are not finding any issues with regards to plagiarism and so we issue plagiarism-free certificate*. Our streamlined and high-quality research writing process ensures your dissertation is not just copy-pasted, but written only after brainstorming sessions with our team of professional researchers.
On Time
Our work is delivered at a specified date and time. Our specific changes to the delivered work will be carried out within 45 days of delivery. We guarantee delivery of minor changes within 24 working hours and significant changes within 48 working hours. We acknowledge all your emails within 30 minutes of working hours. Further any delay in the delivery can be raised at
Experienced Writers
Our writers have experience in research methodology, industry experience, and educational degrees from international and top-ranked universities from India, the US, and the UK. We identify the perfect SME according to your subject and area. Expert is selected through a stringent selection process including the signing of non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement. You can be very sure about the quality of the work since expert writer is identified as per International Research Experience
On which areas you will provide Formatting services.?
At Tutors India, we offer formatting services on extensive areas of research such as employee engagement dissertations, customer buying behavior dissertation, knowledge management dissertation, project management, dissertation, total quality management, International marketing, performance management, public relation theories dissertation strategic management and business policy, management of technology, international business, and much more. We assist formatting help for different topics including, Human resource management, fashion, tourism, Architecture, Nursing, Medical, Economics, Operations, Geographic, Finance, accounting, history, sociology, English, Music, advertising, computer science, politics, art, statistics
What Formatting Services Do Tutors India Provide?
We offer Language editing, thesis editing, copyediting, manuscript editing and other edit services to customers around the world. Certainly, we also provide dissertation editing and proofreading and other types of online editing to students, authors, and businesses. It allows customers to get help with the style and readability of a document or to simply concentrate on correct grammar, punctuation help and the removal of confusing errors. Read more about our services for Academic Editing, Technical Editing, Business Editing, Editing, and Personal Editing Service.
Who Are Tutors India Professional Editors?
Tutors India professional editors are qualified writers, professors, lawyers, students, or business professionals with extensive experience editing writing. Every expert is native English speakers, and we require that he or she have graduated from the best university and have the highest academic qualifications. Our editors who assist editing have fruitful experience in offering English grammar assistance. They are experts at resolving grammar language issues, ensuring correct spelling and delivering first-rate editing and proofreading. Further, Our editors are all completely committed to helping you improve each document you submit.
How About Some Samples of Your Work?
Sure, you can look some of the samples of the Formatting services work here.
What is the Time plan to complete your Formatting services
Based on the discussion with assigned tutors as well as Technical -editing requirement, we set the time limit for
How do you meet high academic standards?
Tutors India offers the highest quality standard technical editing work. We aim to attain 100% customer satisfaction with each and every order. We will assign a doctorate and master degree academic writer with experience in the particular area of academic study. The writer will do in-depth research and complete the paper to match the exact specifications. Once the order is completed, our Language editing department will review the completed version to ensure it is error-free and meets our standards. Before the paper arrives at your email or CRM software we check it with the top-notched anti-plagiarism software to guarantee that your order is 100 % original and authentic work.
Your Dissertation & manuscript formatting service is carried out by your choice of Expertise
We have a team of 2000+ expertise across the subjects & countries (including the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, France, Russia & Ukraine)
Tutors India has capability and skills to handle subjects across the field. We chose qualified and experienced subject specific expertise while you order your Ph.D. or Master’s dissertation. We have more than 2000+ expertise working across the world who can handle arts, literature, sciences, engineering or medicine.