Engineering & Technology– Academic Writing PhD, Master’s & Authors / Publishers
The US & UK technical writers at Tutors India aim at inculcating knowledge within students and build a great confidence to submit their medicine academic writing successfully.

Engineering & Technology Assignments, Manuscript Writing & Editing Services
Our experts are professional technical writers having the highest qualification from the UK. Decades of experience in writing and editing has been instrumental in shaping the career of engineering students
Engineering & Technology Writing from qualified Expert
Engineering research deals with the discovering and systematic conceptual structuring of knowledge. Engineers, in general,develop applications, design, construct and operate systems, machines, structures and devices of societal and economic value. Engineering research is driven by the anticipated value of an application, but not all application may not be nearly as important. While science is concerned with knowledge of natural phenomena and how it serves humankinds needs and wants considering adaptability, producibility, computability, and costs. Yet, engineering involves the integration of experience, methods, techniques and knowledge from many fields. Engineering research involves based on empirical, experimental, and heuristic methods with underlying scientific principles. However, doing engineering research required a continuous support from mentors.
Industry Expert & Technical Writers at Tutors India assures you the quality
Tutors India offers complete research and development assistance for scholars of various categories in UK, Europe, and Asian countries. Tutors India has more than fifteen years of experience in research and development in engineering and other academic works to provide invaluable assistance with complete satisfaction. We offer to engineering research services to all areas of engineering including Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Chemical, Petroleum, aerospace, architectural, biomedical, coastal, environmental, ocean and marine, manufacturing, environmental, surveying, systems, metallurgical & materials.
We use subject-specific language, exemplary presentation
that demonstrates clear, logical, imaginative,
creative & Original – We demonstrate advances the state of the art, literature survey, uses new or advanced techniques, has elements of theory, & experiment.
Our Writers
Our writing standard are at an exemplary standard showing creativity & innovation
& ensures link between theory & practice
Electrical, Mechanical, Civil (structural, architectural), Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical engineering, computer, architectural, bio-engineering, biomedical, project management, chemical engineering, electronics, aerospace, automotive, robotics, microelectronic, material science, agricultural engineering, paper engineering, engineering management, industrial, systems, manufacturing, petroleum, nanotechnology,
Quality Assurance
We ensure to achieve High Quality at every stage-Check of Quality Assurance & Enhancement activities report
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Plagiarism Report
We have dedicated in deliver your document after correcting plagiarism using–Write Check or Turnitin, and or any other advanced plagiarism tools.
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Customer Interaction
We act in real-time and interact with customer at every stage in terms of modifications, any query related to your project and order delivery.
View MoreWhy Tutors India for Engineering & Technology writing and editing services?
The US & UK writers at Tutors India aim at inculcating knowledge within students and build a great confidence to submit their dissertation successfully – We deliver the document in Msword or LaTeX Thesis Template
An Engineering Dissertation Writing Service features that helps to get the grade
We help you in the broad range of systematic literature reviews, a piece of qualitative or quantitative research, clinical audit, service evaluation, the business case for a change in practice. Our research area biomechanical engineering, controls, designs, micro and nanoenginerring, green & sustainable, micro & nano engineering and nanotechnology, computer and simulation . Engineering Science dissertation are selected based on your area of interest, research gap, and feasibility of data collection. We make you strong in your dissertation by dealing with all the questions that you have in your mind. The process also entails data collection, statistical analysis or simulation and presentation in the format of your Institute. As a final process, the master’s thesis is further put to review and proofreading to ensure that you get quality work.
Your Choice of Research Methods
Research methods are critical aspects of engineering research as it enables to address an engineering challenge in a systematic manner, evaluating background literature, adhering to ethics, documentation strategies. In general methodology, chapter included analytical works, computer simulation, and experimental works. We help you to describe the method used to carry out your dissertation including application advanced mathematics and formulation or computer simulation using software including computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis. The methodology would either fit into quantitative methods (deductive approaches, in which a theory of hypothesis justifies the variable, e.g. surveys, meta-analysis, experimental designs), qualitative or mixed methods. A Certain type of research methods is relevant to the specialization. For example, software engineering focuses on controlled experiments model.
Your Choice of Experimental Work
We help to write the experimental work to describe how results were obtained including the approach, facilities, validations, range of measurements, the computer simulation, and the sufficient detail on the proposed theory or a descriptive model to clearly understand the physical assumption related to a theory or model (analytical)
Tools & Technology Capabilities
We use wide range of tools and technologies in power electronics, power system, advanced communication technology, antennas & propagation, applied earth observations and remote sensing, applied machine intelligence and informatics, applied superconductivity, automatic control, broadcasting, consumer electronics, RFID, robotics, microwave theory and technology, display technology, sensors, signal processing, embedded system, industrial electronics, smart grid, vehicular technology, VLSI, LabVIEW, ZigBee, PLC, Microcontroller, GSM/GPS, ARM, Matlab, Zwave, PIR, Finite element modeling & analysis, High rise structures design,
Engineering & Technology - Writing & Editing Features
We help you to submit a plan of the dissertation (proposed structure / main argument), progress, and a sample of writing to their supervisor according to the style of reference – Draft would demonstrate evidence of imagination, creativity, critical insights and analytical rigor
Sources, Citation and Presentation
We help you identify an impressive range of primary and secondary resources, in compliance with the engineering research guidelines with combination of methods from social sciences and examples from the Journal of Engineering Education (e.g. Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) Manual of Style) including the IEEE Citation reference overview, IEEE Editorial Style Manual, ACSE templates, and EndNote Guide etc. However, it should be remembered that the science and engineering disciplines do not all follow one citation nor one writing style format. Our formatting and referencing team are aware of citations that include books, reported cases (Australia / UK), published & unpublished papers, government & private publications, discussion papers/ reports, citing newspaper /magazines, press releases, world wide web www site. We use a wide range of database including IEEE & ASCE. Further, for electrical engineering, we follow IEEE, while civil engineering ASCE citation style (an author-date style).
Technical Style & Argument
We follow styles rules including quotations (short and long quotes, edited quotes, errors or discretionary terms in quoted passages), ellipsis, interpolations, abbreviations, dates, times, numbers, fractions and decimals, and footnotes. We write your dissertation in the manner which is argumentative, i.e.,., the logical and coherent construction substantiated by relevant primary and secondary sources. Further, our medical writers have the capability to write your dissertation incomplete, concise and clear (e.g., distinguish original data and ideas from other people).We follow EASE guidelines. We ensure that our dissertation writing is free of plagiarism and we screen the article in different software including Viper, itehnticate, cross check, eTBLAST, SafeAssign, WCopyFind, checkforplagiarism, Grammarly and sometimes in Google. Apply DelphiS keyword search using subject specific database
Free while you order dissertation
We help to develop questionniare or interview guide at free of costs while you order for dissertation. We also provide,
- Appendices
- Abstract
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Content
- Lists of Charts, graphs, Illustrations
- Formatting
- Frequently asked questions (questions that may arise while writing the dissertation)
- Personal statement for your research proposal
- Bibilography (a brief annotation on key primary text)