Template For The Preparation Of Papers For Electronic Publishing In Academic Journal

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Published 18, July 2006This sample article is to show you how to prepare and submit manuscripts in a standard style for electronic publishing in the Rivier College Online Academic Journal. It illustrates the manuscript layout, and describes points you should notice before you submit your manuscripts. The manuscripts will be in the Letter size with margins top 1.25 inch, left and right 0.75 inch, bottom 1 inch. A one-column format is used. The text should be Times Roman with 12-point font size.
Preparation and Submission of an Electronic Manuscript
Use of Templates
The manuscripts should be prepared, if possible, using the supplied template in the Microsoft Word (doc) format, which is available to download at the URL address http://www.rivier.edu/journal/template.htm. The papers should conform in appearance to the example given here, in doc or pdf format, at the same address.
General Procedures for Submission
The final, doc version (or pdf version) of your manuscript must be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief as an attachment to the e-mail message.
The file name must be your manuscript log number, in a six digit format, followed by ‘.DOC’ or '.PDF' in upper case. For example, manuscript 200509 would have the file name ‘200509.DOC’ or ‘200509.PDF’. If you are not sure of the Log number for your manuscript, use your last name, e.g., ‘SMITH.DOC’ or ‘SMITH.PDF’.
The paper size must not exceed 2 MB and will be typically less than 1MB in size. Files larger than 2 MB will not be accepted for publication and will be returned to the author for revision.
Diagrams and Figures
Care should be taken over the preparation of diagrams and figures, which should incorporate colors where it adds to the presentation. Figures will be entered in one column and should be 7-inch total wide. A minimum line width of 1 point is required at actual size. Annotations should be in 10 point with the first letter only capitalized. The figure caption should be preceded by ‘Fig.’ followed by the figure number. For example, ‘Fig. 10. The Statistical Data …’.
Photographs and illustrations
Authors should recognize the possibility for full color publishing of photographs and illustrations. Image files should be optimized to minimize size without compromising the quality. The figures should have a resolution of 300 dpi.
General Style Preferences
Style of Writing
Manuscripts are accepted on the basis that they may be edited for style and language. The author himself is responsible for the correctness of the scientific content. Full-length papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Abbreviations should be spelt out in full the first time they appear and their abbreviated form included in brackets immediately after. Words used in a special context should appear between single quotation marks the first time they appear.
Manuscript Length / File Size
Manuscripts should normally not exceed 15 pages including illustrations. The electronic submission file should not exceed 2 Megabyte in length. Typically, most papers will be less than 1MB in size.
Marketing Communications Tools
Most marketing communications tools generally comprise six modes which are advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, direct marketing, publicity and public relations and sponsorship through events and experiences (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Some scholars add on more modes to this list but these six are common to most lists. The importance given to one mode over the other varies in different organisations, depending on what aspect is more suited to their requirement. The current study emphasises the six modes listed here.
The papers in the reference list must be cited in the text. In the text the citation should appear in square brackets “[]”, as in, for example, ‘the yellow dog has been shown to jump the black cat [5] but not when...’. In the Reference list the font should be Times New Roman with 10-point size. The Author name list should be terminated by a ‘full stop’. The citation number should be enclosed in brackets. Book titles should be in italics, followed by a ‘full stop’. Proceedings or journal titles should be in italics. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalised in the article name. For instance, see the example below.
Jones, B., Brown, J., and Smith J. The title of the book. 1st edition, Publisher, 2005.
Jones, B., Brown, J., and Smith J. The title of the conference paper. Proc Conference title, where it took place, Vol. 6, paper number, pp 9-17, 2005.
Jones, B., Brown, J., and Smith J. The title of the journal paper. Journal Name, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp 101-121, 2005.

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