Academic Law Writing

EU Law

European Union law or EU law refers to a system of law that was developed in the second half of the 20th century .It is explicitly for the 28 member states of the European Union. EU law takes precedence over the national law of each member country in case of conflict between the two. EU law deals with the whole gamut of legal issues from agriculture to economic laws. The idea behind the formulation of this system is to harmonize the laws across the member states in certain areas, predominantly the trade. Thus, the EU law creates a level playing field.

This law ensures that the people of the member states are not only treated equally, but they also treat others equally. EU law involves a lot of paper work if the case is presented before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). ECJ is the highest court in Europe that makes binding decisions for all member states of the EU. To be brought before the ECJ, all internal laws must have been exhausted, meaning that the case must have previously been deliberated in the highest court in the country. These cases are huge, involve many people, and require delegation and one may have to work on arguments from other national law systems or languages. Thus, the cases are highly complex and multidimensional.